Monday, July 27, 2020

15 Best of Rishabh Dev Technical (by Rishabh Dev Technical)

20 Best of Rishabh Dev Technical 2020 (by Rishabh Dev Technical)

Rishabh Dev Technical 2020

15 Best of Rishabh Dev Technical (by Rishabh Dev Technical)

Rishabh Dev Technical

15 Best of Rishabh Dev Technical (by Rishabh Dev Technical)


15 Best of Rishabh Dev Technical (by Rishabh Dev Technical)

15 Best of Rishabh Dev Technical (by Rishabh Dev Technical)

15 Best of Rishabh Dev Technical (by Rishabh Dev Technical)

15 Best of Rishabh Dev Technical (by Rishabh Dev Technical)

15 Best of Rishabh Dev Technical (by Rishabh Dev Technical)

15 Best of Rishabh Dev Technical (by Rishabh Dev Technical)

15 Best of Rishabh Dev Technical (by Rishabh Dev Technical)

15 Best of Rishabh Dev Technical (by Rishabh Dev Technical)

15 Best of Rishabh Dev Technical (by Rishabh Dev Technical)

15 Best of Rishabh Dev Technical (by Rishabh Dev Technical)

15 Best of Rishabh Dev Technical (by Rishabh Dev Technical)

15 Best of Rishabh Dev Technical (by Rishabh Dev Technical)

15 Best of Rishabh Dev Technical (by Rishabh Dev Technical)

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Digital Signal Processing vs Analog Signal Processing

 एनालॉग सिगनल ( Analog Signal ) -

* एनालॉग सिगनल वह होता है जिसका मान एक सतत् रेंज ( Continuous range ) के अनन्त मानो में से  कुछ भी हो सकता है । 
* सभी प्राकृतिक सिगनल एनॉलॉग सिगनल होते हैं । 
* एनॉलॉग सिगनल का ऑपरेशन डिजिटल सिगनल की तुलना में आसान होता है ।
* साइन वेव , न्वाइज और वायस सिगनल इत्यादि एनॉलॉग सिगनल हैं  |

Analog Signal Processing

डिजिटल सिगनल ( Digital Signal ) -

*  डिजिटल सिगनल वह होता है जिसका मान दो सम्भव मानों में से कोई एक होता है अर्थात् 0 या 1 , Low या High इत्यादि ।
Digital Signal

डिजिटल सिगनल प्रोसैसिंग के लाभ तथा अनुप्रयोग ( Advantage and Applications of Digital Signal Processing ) -

 * डिजिटल प्रारूप में सूचना को स्टोर करना आसान होता है 
* इनमें accuracy व precision अधिक होती है तथा स्विचिंग परिपथों की संख्या बढ़ाकर accuracy को बढ़ाया जा सकता है । 
* ऑपरेशन को कम्प्यूटर की सहायता से प्रोग्राम्ड किया जा सकता है । 
* डिजिटल सिस्टम्स में शोर ( Noise ) तथा विरूपण ( Distortion ) का प्रभाव कम होता है 
Advantage and Applications of Digital Signal Processing
* इंटीग्रेटेड सर्किट्स के विकास से अधिक डिजिटल परिपथ IC को चिप्स पर बनाना सम्भव हुआ है

* सिगनलों का डिजिटल संचार अधिक सुरक्षित होता है , क्योंकि इनका encryption / decryption सम्भव है । 
* डाटा का कम्प्रैशन डिजिटल संचार में ही सम्भव है 
* VLSI तकनीक की सहायत से transceivers छोटे , हल्के व मोबाइल हो गये है । . 
* डिजिटल परिपथ अधिक विश्वसनीय होते हैं । - शक्ति का क्षय , कम होता है ।

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By Rishabh Dev Technical


Tuesday, May 19, 2020

MAHATMA GANDHI ( महात्मा गाँधी ) Essay in English

MAHATMA GANDHI ( महात्मा गाँधी ) Essay in English

Mohandas Karamchandra Gandhi was a great and patriot and lover of peace. Heis know as 'The Father of the Nation; He practised truth in life. He taught us love all people irrespective of their caste,  colour and creed. He made our country free from the British rule.
He was born on 2nd October, 1869 at Porbander in Gujarat. His father Karamchandra Gandhi was the Diwan of Rajkot. His mother was a noble and pious lady.
Gandhi was an ordinary student. After passing matriculation, he went to England for higher students. From there, he returned to India as a barrister and started practice at the BOMBAY High Court
After something, he joined the congress Party. He took keen intrest in the struggle for the freedom on India. He started Non co-operation Movement in 1920. He went to jail several times under his leadership. India became free on 15th August 1947.
On 30th January, 1948 a man named  Nathuram Godse shot him dead. 
At that time he was going for his daily prayers Birla Mandir in Dehli. On his death the whole was shocked and burst into tears. His name will even be remembered with great respect.



Sunday, May 3, 2020

Water level Indicator

Water level Indicator
Water level Indicator kaise banaye
By Rishabh Dev Technical